

Healthy at Home

The uncertainty of our world at the moment can be overwhelming and chaotic. Whether you’re in the...

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CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Operation Supplement Safety

Like any person or company, dietary supplement manufacturers can take advantage of challenging ci...

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HQMC Semper Fit Hosts Dietary Supplements Training

On March 20, 2018, HQMC's Semper Fit Branch hosted a Dietary Supplements Training aboard MCB Quan...

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Healthy Living: Ask the Experts

Have you ever felt lost on how to start a healthy lifestyle? Have you ever wanted to know what yo...

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The Most Common Type of Litter in the World

Do you remember the old Smokey Bear ads? The campaign’s catch phrase was “Remember. . . Only YOU...

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Big Tobacco Targets Military Because "Military is Less Educated, Part of 'Wrong Crowd' and Have Limited Job Prospects"

Have you ever wondered why tobacco has been such a big part of military culture? One of the reaso...

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Mindfulness: Reset, Relax, and Recharge

Mindfulness trains your brain to stay in the present moment and practicing mindfulness can help y...

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Holiday Parties: How to Keep the Calories Down and Still Have Fun

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and with it, delicious turkey, numerous pies, and, unfortunately,...

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Keep Your Brain Trained!

Jim Mattis, the esteemed retired Marine Corps general and former Secretary of State once said, “T...

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New Year, New-trition

Start the year with a resolution for healthy eating. Here are 5 tips to start your nutrition righ...

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Your Healthy Lifestyle Festival: Coming Soon to a Commissary Near You

Research shows that more than 1 in 3 U.S. adults are obese. If you're one of them, you can work t...

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Breaking Up Can Be A Good Thing

Quitting tobacco is hard. You may have tried quitting in the past or there may be a part of you t...

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