MCFTB Say What?

MCFTB Say What?


Tuesday, October 17, 2023


10:00 am - 02:00 pm


USO National Capital District
3049 Bordelon St


Phone: 7037849422


Say What?

By: Marine Corps Family Team Building

June 13  |  1:00- 3:00 PM

Location: USO Mainside 3049 Bordelon Street, Quantico, VA 22134


Say What? Workshop

Are your communication skills where they need to be at? Are you ready to hone effective communication skills for work and home? Active listening techniques, conversational skills, intergenerational communication differences, and etiquette for in-person engagement are just a few of the skills you’ll learn in Say What? Enrich your communication in your personal and professional lives.

Class size is limited to 15 participants.

Registration deadline is two business days prior to event.

A minimum of five participants are required in order to facilitate the workshop.

For additional information contact MCFTB at or call 703.784.9422/1303

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