Making a Quit Plan to Kick Tobacco Habit
Giving up tobacco can be tough, but making a customized quit plan that you can access and update can help you reach your goals. If you want to kickstart your quit journey, you’re in the right place.
The YouCanQuit2 Quit Plan is an online tool that you can access on any device (phone, computer or tablet). The interactive tool will show you how to prepare to quit and then give you the encouragement and tips to accomplish your goals. Throughout your quit journey you can (and should!) refer to and update your quit plan.
Use the YouCanQuit2 Quit Plan to Quit Tobacco
- Set a quit date.
- List your personal reasons to quit.
- Identify and prepare for triggers and cravings.
- Monitor progress.
- Log cravings and slips to see how you’re doing and where you may need to adjust.
- Stay on track to meet your goals and conquer hard moments.
- Celebrate successes and unlock achievements.
The tool was designed with service members in mind. It is anonymous and has specific tips to help you quit successfully.
The Great American Smokeout is November 16. Take the pledge to be smokefree and receive 20% off any one store item and 25% off one tobacco cessation item at your local Marine Corps Exchange.
For more information on tobacco cessation resources, visit https://quantico.usmc-mccs.org/news/tobacco-cessation-resources.