Get Paid To Quit Tobacco

Get Paid To Quit Tobacco

Did you know that a pack a day smoker spends nearly $50 a week on cigarettes? That’s over $2200 a year on cigarettes alone. Depending on how much or what other forms of tobacco you use, this dollar figure could actually be higher. $2200 could buy you a plane ticket home from overseas. It could help you with the down payment on the new car you’ve been thinking about. You could pay off some bills or even buy tickets for a cruise. What would you do with the extra money you’d save from quitting tobacco? Use the questions below to write down how much money you are spending on tobacco. This will give you a quick glance at how much of your budget may be going towards tobacco use.

$__________ Cost per pack/dip can/e-liquid

$__________ Cost per cigarette/dip/cigar, etc.
(Cost per pack divided by # of cigs/dips, etc. in each container)

$__________ Cost per day
(Multiply the cost per cigarette/dip/etc. by the number of times you use tobacco daily)

$__________ Cost per week
(Multiply the cost per day by 7 days per week)

$__________ Cost per year
(Multiply the cost per week x 52 weeks per year)

Quitting tobacco isn’t easy but the Semper Fit Health Promotion Program can provide you with the support to be successful in living a tobacco-free life. Call or click the contact information below to find out when the next available tobacco cessation class will be held or to speak to a Health Promotion team member.

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